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Riya Bisht


When I first stepped into college as a freshman, I was eager to dive into the world of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). But to my disappointment, I couldn't find any clubs or communities dedicated to it in my college or city. Still, I held onto the hope of starting something myself and becoming part of the FOSS movement.

Then, in my third year, something amazing happened. I received an invitation from FOSS UNITED DEHRADUN, our city's FOSS club, to submit a talk proposal. I was over the moon! Despite having just a few semesters left before graduation, I knew I had to seize this opportunity.

So, with excitement bubbling inside me, I accepted the proposal and took to the stage.

April 20th, 2024 #

My topic? "Introduction to Unikernels: Unikraft." It was my chance to share all the research and tinkering I'd been doing, exploring a technology that could shape the future of cloud computing.

It all started with a paper I stumbled upon about Library OS. That led me down a rabbit hole of fascination, eventually landing me on the doorstep of Unikraft, an open-source project born out of a European university's research. It's amazing how it grew from just an idea to a thriving community, hosting monthly meetups and hackathons, and even evolving into a startup that launched KraftCloud—a platform akin to DockerHub but for unikernel images.

But beyond the tech talk, what truly made the experience special was the personal connection. Surrounded by fellow enthusiasts eager to explore new FOSS projects, I felt a sense of belonging and gratitude. And seeing the growing technical awareness in my home state of Uttarakhand, I felt proud to contribute to this journey of growth.

In the end, it's all about letting our curiosity guide us to unexpected places and sharing our discoveries along the way. And for me, being a part of the FOSS community has been a truly enriching journey.

Riya Bisht