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Riya Bisht

Why I love Systems?

Welcome #

This book is designed for someone who has always questioned what lies beyond the user interfaces of their popular games, browsers and webapps. Created with love for systems engineering, understanding complex systems and hacking systems to solve the exisiting issues and in turn lead me to fully create my own system( that is designed to solve the latency issues, improved developer experience, and makes our life more easier ).

Special thanks to Unikernel and Nix for inspiring me to think beyond a traditional software development process. Thus, resulting in a book that might help curious kids wanting to scratch the surface but have no clue where to began with.

Start of my journey of becoming an activist.

From bare metal servers to floating systems #


Questions that piqued my interest in this field #

Experiments == Experience #

Taking you 2 years back, when I first joined my college and started my computer science engineering, I had no clue that I will love complex systems but somewhere I always preached the philosophy of hacking and getting our hands dirty.

Talking of today when I am in my 3rd year of CS engineering, I find this part of me plays a crucial element in creating something like this system which maybe I would have never thought of if I were not to experiment things like crazy.

Top-Down Approach in Computer Science #

Break —→ Fix —→ Make

Start by breaking things, end-up fixing them, and in that process gather uniques ideas that you can use to make your own thing.

Become a power user of systems that you wanna hack, read the code, break them, fix them by reading documentation, and blogs, understand them, watch talks and conferences, and make the system.

Ending Notes #

People say “Change is the only constant but I say Pivot is the only constant”

Read life stories of many founders and software hackers and one thing was common that was the rate at which they pivot. Pivoting their ideas, projects, mindsets in order to accept new beliefs.

Faster growth.

Somewhere we all have the same stories. For me it was free software movement.

Science Love